Well, I already said that the next chapters would be short, so here we go.
Shit is getting real!
But this chapter didn’t got a picture (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.
Even the prologue had one! Oh well…
I got nothing to add….
Well, I already said that the next chapters would be short, so here we go.
Shit is getting real!
But this chapter didn’t got a picture (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.
Even the prologue had one! Oh well…
I got nothing to add….
Thanks the new release!!
Nice, bed time story for today.
Thank you for awesome chapter.
I suppose this is the reward for surviving a fcked up day, thank you.
Care to eloberate?
Now I don’t know what he meant, but I for one am grateful for this on what is probably the most boring, slow sunday of the year!
So thanks!
Thanks a lot!
Is there a PDF of the volumes?
Thanks for the release.
Technically there appears to be 2 pictures for this chapter, 2 of the spread color pages in the novel flaps appear to take place in this chapter. Once where machina was surprised by shinobu when exiting the shower. The other was a spread with all the girls there in their swim suits.
But they aren’t directly embedded in the chapter, so they dont count for me xD
On second thought I have regrets about reading this chapter before the rest of the volume was translated… DAT CLIFFHANGER!
Thank you nonetheless, but damn…
Thanks for the chapter PROzess!
Super Thanks!
How can I read this novel ?? Do I need an E-mail ??