
What shall I rant about today?
The question whether we are alone in the universe or not?
The global warming?
The entitled opinions of spoiled readers that official licenses “ruin” the community?
The veiled commission system from lousy machine translators?
The amount of beer I drank today?

Well, all of that seems pretty boring, so I’ll talk about Risou instead.
We’re nearing the end of Volume 02. Two chapters remain, an epilogue and an extra chapter. Both pretty short in length, so it is possible that you may see one of them next week already.

Otherwise I don’t have much to report.
I just have just one thing to remark about this chapter. It contains spoilers about this chapter, so only read it afterwards!!

Volume 01 had mentioned that the marriage of half-siblings wasn’t forbidden, but wasn’t recommended either. HOWEVER, now in volumes 02 the author argues about the possibility that half-silbing marry and have a child. Personally, I find that a bit retarded, but that’s what’s written there… Not my fault…

Just wanted you to know that^^


34 thoughts on “14/05/2015

    1. The question whether we are alone in the universe or not?
      No, we are not. the real question is whether or not we can, will, or have already meet. And if yes, how will (or have) we go(ne) along.
      The global warming?
      Not much to say there either. It’s here, and here to stay. The question is how bad will it be.
      The entitled opinions of spoiled readers that official licenses “ruin” the community?
      Those who care don’t matter, those that matter don’t care.
      The veiled commission system from lousy machine translators?
      Oooh, i like that one. can we get a rant on that one ?
      The amount of beer I drank today?
      probably too much. I’m partial to non-alchoolic stuff, but i ‘need’ to get wasted i prefer to go directly to the heavy stuff: whisky and occasionally vodka. Buut to each his own i guess.

      Anyway, thanks for the chapiter, i really love this story

  1. As long as the licensed product appeared nearby plus they have commitment to finish it til the end of series, then its okay

  2. Since it’s not forbidden, even if it’s not recommended, and given the workings of politics in that world, chances of that happenning are not negligible (i.e. is a real possibility). If you reread volume 1, Aura mentions the lack of recommendation only by chances of harmful recessives to surface, but in context she shows that the upper echelons of nobility expected Zenjrou to marry the 2-3 women that carry enough Carpa’s blood, so all possible queen candidates would be effectively half-siblings to the heir, meaning that for the royal families and nobility that the heir to the Carpa kingdom would marry his half-sister is practically a given.

    Thanks for the chapter.

    1. Royalties marrying their half-siblings are pretty common in the past. Heck, Royalties marrying their full-siblings happen quite often to keep the “royal blood” pure. Given the context and nature of this light novel, these kind of relationships shouldn’t be surprising.

      Aside from that, chapter 7’s ending was quite sweet. I wonder if Zen will cave in and marry other women or if he will continue to fight against that till the bitter end. Looking forward to future chapters!

  3. I actually shed a tear when Aura also said the vow at the end.

    Thank you so much for the translations!

  4. Thank you so much for all your hard work! I really love this one!!!

  5. ” HOWEVER, now in volumes 02 the author argues about the possibility that half-silbing marry and have a child. ”

    the term in contract seems apply continously to their descendant. So it didn’t have to be half-sibling marry, but their descendant marrying.

    ” This didn’t concern the generation of Zenjirou’s children, but it was a realistic problem for the generation of his grandchildren at the earliest, or his great-grandchildren at the latest. ”

    Its entirely possible one of Zenjirou great grandchildren marry other great grandchildren. Genetically such distant cousin have negligible effect.

    Maybe japanese term for “child” is more expansive than english term for “child” ? Or use “descendant” in contract instead of child ?

  6. Thank you very much…. about the “licenses” topic are you talking about riso… I’m hoping you aren’t talking riso…

  7. As long as one plus one equals two than we must not be alone in this universe.

  8. Forgot to say thanks for the translation. So thanks very much for the translation!

  9. I love this series so much! I wish there were more like it. Thanks for translating it!

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