I’m too lazy to fix the goddamn comments, so why would you think I can get a chapter done? Pfft.
Well, rest assured. It’s been worked on along with a supah secret project!
In the meantime, some bragging:

The most important part of it:

I’m a bit scared to listen to the Drama CD as it might destroy the image I have of the characters, but then again, it’s only about the three troublemakers. No Aura 🙁

Above is actually the main reason for this batch :3 A fucking great read so far and judging by that pic, volume 4 is going to be e-p-i-c!

This (Black Summoner) is also a lot more wholesome than you might expect. Good stuff.

And yeah, well, the batch wouldn’t be complete unless I buy a series for it’s art/cover. Some might recognize it.
Okay, a release should hopefully come within the next two weeks. I’m trying, believe me! (Not really, but I have to say this)
Until then~
good to know that it has more rikura to read but when you give us to read, thanks for translation thank you very much
careful it’s been over 3 months someone could snipe the series. (unlikely because of lack of popularity, but still quite possible)
Guess I can drop it then…
yea you should, let others who are interested in it translate faster, you’ll have more time to read your other novels too. two bird with one stone!
entirely up to you. I’d personally prefer you bump your TL speed up to 1 chapter (or half chapter depending on size) every 2 weeks. but I also understand that real life commitments and motivation can make such things near impossible without pushing one’s self which eventually leads to getting burnt out.
make the choice you regret the least. I enjoy the quality of your TL, just wish you had the time or commitment to feed my selfish addiction. 😛
Hi prozess danke für harte Arbeit bis jetzt.
Wollte nur sagen das mal wieder die farb Illustrationen für buch 9 fehlen.
Lass dir zeit mit dem übersetzen die chinesische gruppe haut ja diesen Monat noch riso no homo 12 raus da hab ich dan genug zu lesen?
Freundliche grüße aus dem schwabenländchen
Please don’t drop this!
Absolutely love Risou no himo seikatsu. I’m dying from the lack of chapters, but I REALLY like your translations, it feels much more consistent and easy to read compared to a lot of other sites. Good luck with work.
I appreciate all of the work you’ve put in to translating Risou no himo seikatsu. It’s a pretty unique take on the isekai genre.
>too lazy to fix comments
>too lazy to translate
>actually fixes comments right after
There is actually hope for this month, yeii
Can you list the book you’ve bought? Some of them look spicy
I read about something concerning Tsuki Tsuki….apparently the author was trying to get rid of the harem in the last volume and only have him with one of the girls, which met with backlash and it got effectively cancelled. Have you heard anything like that?
Please dont drop the series. There are too many projects that get dropped so that others can pick it up, just to end up forgotten or picked up for a few weeks then dropped again.
Also while your speed is not the fastest, your translation is rock solid and a pleasure to read.
Ohh and is Vol 12. the last Volume of Risou?
Anyone got v12 illustrations?
ı love the quality of your translation but if its gonna take five months for one chapter please drop
Prozess first of all I would really like to thank you for the wonderful translations that you have shared with us all these years.
Regarding some comments from above I would like to clarify to those amateur that as of today there are only 7 active LN translators with weekly and ~10 with monthly/bi-monthly releases. Keep in mind that I have inlcuded Skythewood (CH->Eng) and Untuned Strings (KR->Eng). All the rest are either MTL (aka fanfictions) or amateur with mediocre/bad translations. In other worlds “Think before you speak” (although it’s pointless to discuss with mentally ill people like Dxxx, Axxxx etc).
You can’t ask/demand anything from a fan translator. If you don’t like his pace just learn Japanese or bother JNC, SS and YP for official translations. The least you can do is to stop comment.
Prozess just disable the comments and continue to share with us your top-notch translations whenever you want.
Have you trouble with the right to comment?
What a pity.
I too like a medium o low quality that zero for months.
And i am gratefull to Prozas for his long run to translate.
Simple, not all are fine with this new timetable.
There are many way to see the world: your is not the only true gospel…
no one is forcing prozess translate anything and no one is insulting him because he wont translate
we are just very unimpressed because all he did last 5 months showing us how many porn he did buy :/
Noooo, this is one of the best LN’s out there. I miss it and it’s unlikely to be picked up by another translator. Please continue to make moon runes into English
I found when I’m bored with doing work for free for others, I have no obligation to continue to do so. However, when I did know I wanted to take a break or wanted to stop, I said it. No if’s or maybes.
Honestly, with the manga now in English and at stores, I don’t see why you should feel, unless you still want to , to translate anything for the online Readers. I started reading this two years ago, and I promised myself I would look out for the official releases. Granted it is just the manga and not the light novel but if you don’t want to do this anymore, just don’t. Do something else to make yourself happy. And don’t take this the wrong way. Posting content when your heart is not into it does not bring happiness to yourself. Speaking from personal experience. Otherwise, enjoy the hot summer. About 33 C here.