The year is coming to an end, so I usually reflect on what I have spent on hobbies in the past year. Because of covid I could relocate (a lot) more resources towards my weebo hobbies, instead of going to see a soccer match and drinking myself into oblivion i.e.
Here’s a list of what I spent in 2020:
Digital japanese books on Bookwalker: 353,45€
Phyisical japanese books: 2189,39€
Hawt figures: 1541,28€ (not counting 4 more in pre-order)
Digital and physical books in english: 107,53€
Covers for my dakimura: 962,20€ (including some Nier bedsheets)
A cool mask: 14,89€ (Hasnt arrived yet)
Makes a total of: 5168,74€
Some items haven’t arrived yet, but I already paid for them, so they are included above. Anything not yet paid for, like the pre-orders, will count towards the next year, when I actually pay for them.
To vizualize it:
English Digital Collection

Japanese Digital Collection
Modern World Genre

Isekai Genre

General Fantasy Genre

Just Because Waifu Corti Collection

Physical Japanese Books Collection + Figures

Physical English Books Collection + Nier

Guess I will have to move soon -.-‘
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year~
Until then~
Good taste. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to tou, too!
Is there no more Ideal Sponger Life chapters??
I dont see Risou no Heimo Seikatsu chapters. Have you stopped translating them?
i’ve noticed that “busy wizard: this warlock just wants to provide for his wives” isnt on solpress’s site anymore, and the 1st vol came out over a year ago
wonder if that means that they dropped it