
Life is going more and more down the drain while I drown my sorrows in translation.
Today I present you two chapters at once, due to my real life circumstances.
I had started to work on Shinanai, but then had to leave my desktop pc. On my laptop I started the translation of the next TsukiTsuki chapter and ended up finishing it by the time I got back to my desktop pc. I quickly finished up Shininai as I didn’t want to break my word again^^
So consider yourselves lucky now.
I named the Shinanai chapter as ch07 as it would confuse too many of you guys when I actually translated it as “last chapter” as the raws have it. It’s only the last chapter of the volume.

Like always, I wanted to say more, but when it comes down to write the post, I forgot what-.-
Well, express your thanks in the comments and I will keep the translation spree up.
I kindda would like to catch up with the manga releases of TsukiTsuki 😛


13 thoughts on “27/07/2013

  1. Incredible! “Thank you” seems insufficient for the treat of two whole chapters at the same time but in the lack of better words I will leave it like that.

  2. Thanks for the translations, I am really enjoying Tsuki Tsuki.
    (I hope your personal life gets better soon.)

  3. Hey hey hey!! I just found a theme song of Tsuki Tsuki men!! But the main problem is no lyrics men!! Therefore….. Anyone mind helping me posting the kanji and English lyrics ? Thanks a lot if you do. And here is the link to the song : [url]http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qNEg_fi4ZRM[/url]

      1. Sorry… Because I was using an iPad at that time. Maybe this will be easier: Go to YouTube and type “my wish! yumiko” On the search tab. Then roll the search result page a bit and you will find a video having our beauty Luna on the background.

      1. Sorry I mean the Romaji and English lyrics . I can’t extract the Kanji in the video and translated it at all so I am looking for someone who could do me this favor. Please help………

  4. Thanks a lot for the new chapter of Tsuki Tsuki! You’re the best 🙂

  5. Here it is! Thanks for the translation!
    I’m really waiting for this.. Really Thanks again!
    Please do your best next time also. ^^

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